
Image Slider: The Friedrichswerder Church

The Friedrichswerder Church was built between 1824 and 1831 based on plans by Friedrich Schinkel. It combines brick aesthetics and a neo-Gothic style, was destroyed during the World War II, then rebuilt in the 1980s and is now a museum housing 19th century sculptures from the collection of the Nationalgallerie. Incidentally, the church owes its name to the Spree Island of the same name, which was christened "Friedrichswerder" in 1660 in honour of the "Great Elector" Friedrich Wilhelm.

Berlin. Friedrichswerdersche Kirche. Ausgeführter Entwurf. Perspektivische Ansicht (1828), Karl-Friedrich Schinkel, Kupferstichkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 DE)

Friedrichswerdersche Kirche (2006) Günther Schauerte, Institut für Museumsforschung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 DE)